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Who killed captain alex wiki

I seriously doubt there was a craft services table on the shoot of How Killed Captain Alex?, but it's clear they used their paltry budget to maximum effect. The cinematography is actually pretty good and the camerawork is on par with some stuff from Hollywood that had budgets in the tens of millions.

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Of course the English subs are pretty lousy and they seem to cover maybe every third line spoken, but since I flunked out of my Bantu language class I should be happy for this much.

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Some of the dialogue is cracking good, especially the frequent insults (“Diarrhea squirt” ha!). Technically, it's a vastly better production than it has any right to be. And that's two guys flailing at each other without trying to hurt each other that bad. Actually, and I mean this, some of these guys really know their stuff, and without Western-style fast editing cuts and CGI/wirework nonsense, you get to see what a real karate fight looks like. Either this is indeed true and Uganda is a nation of murderous martial arts experts (?) or the director had an in with a local karate school and got all his actors for a song. Who needs guns when, much like in Japan, every single person in Uganda, man, woman, and child, is a kung-fu master who will Bruce Lee you on the spot if you so much as look at them askance. I just checked wikipedia and it's insanely hard to legally purchase a gun in Uganda, good on them. One dude's machinegun has belts of ammo that are quite clearly wooden pegs whittled to a point, it's glorious in every way, like something you and your idiot cousins would make when you were twelve and bored during summer break. First off there is apparently no place to cheaply (or legally?) buy prop guns in Uganda so they had to make their own out of rebar, PVC pipes, and duct tape, to predictable results.


I have some random, in-no-particular-order thoughts on this movie (of course I do). And it's only 68 minutes long to begin with! Tell me what b-movie wouldn't benefit from being judiciously trimmed down and tightened up? Certainly Who Killed Captain Alex? would be infinitely better if about 30 minutes of useless filler, ancillary characters, and pointless subplots were CTRL+V'd right out of existence.

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But, I'm also guessing that you, like me, believe that nearly every terrible b-movie can be saved through the miracle of editing. So, how many times have you been watching some shitty-ass b-movie and thought to yourself, “Daaaaam dawg, this is some shitty-ass b-movie right here!”? I'm guessing nearly every time, if I know my audience (hi, James!). Along the way he finds the Tiger Mafia Kingpin's left-for-dead wife and and there's some other guy's brother and maybe a television reporter and is that a rap star? I don't know what the hell is happening half the time. Captain Alex's brother is a ninja (fucking seriously) and he goes off on a vengeance quest to find his killer. But I don't care because we knew Captain Alex for all of maybe 45 seconds of screen time and I seriously couldn't tell him apart from the other guys in the same shot (again, not racist!). Oh, and someone kills Captain Alex, obviously. Machetes swing, blood squibs are poorly popped, neighbors and cousins posing as stuntmen posing as actors jump and run around and shoot at each other in an orgy of exploding heads and rattling Kalashknovs that would make Reagan-era Stallone weep with pride. Filmed in and around the director's back yard, it tells the meandering, head-scratching story of some Army commandos fighting the Tiger Mafia in the slums of Kampala. Made on a budget of I'm spitballing 53 dollars and starring three dozen black guys none of whom I can tell apart (I'm not racist, I can't tell Asian men apart either!). What is this movie? Well, it's a gritty, violent, mean-spirited mafia movie from Uganda, of all places.

  • ↑ ۹٫۰ ۹٫۱ "Help Build a Ugandan Action Movie Studio".
  • ↑ " "Helicopter" Excerpt, Director's Commentary - Who Killed Captain Alex".
  • "A Ugandan Filmmaker's Quest to Conquer the Planet with Low-Budget Action Movies - VICE".
  • ↑ "The New Wave of Ultra-Violent Ugandan DIY Action Cinema - VICE".
  • "How a Ugandan director is making great action movies on $200 budgets".
  • ↑ "ALAN HOFMANIS INTERVIEW – What Up, Son?! LIVE 9:30 PM CST".
  • "Inside Wakaliwood: Kampala's action movie studio". "Uganda's Tarantino makes $200 action movies".

    who killed captain alex wiki

    "Fantasia 2015: Watch the Trailer for Uganda's First Action Film WHO KILLED CAPTAIN ALEX | Film Pulse".

    Who killed captain alex wiki